The MSU School of Social work Kinship Care Resource Center is EXPANDING! If you are committed to supporting families, we hope you will join us in our efforts to improve outcomes for relative children living with kinship caregivers. Most human service agencies are serving kinship families, but kinship families do not always understand or identify as a “kinship” family.
Organizations that serve children and youth, families, communities, and/or older adults, are all strongly encouraged to apply to be a partner in our expansion efforts. Review the MichiKIN Network Partnership Request for Proposals here.
Important note on completing the application: It is highly recommended that interested applicants complete their responses in another document first and have all supporting documents (organizational chart, budget) available prior to entering your responses into the Qualtrics Application link. Once the link is opened, you will not be able to save your answers and return to the application link later.
Please join the KCRC in helping Kinship Families get the supports and services they need in order to provide a loving and nurturing environment for the children in their care!
For questions related to the application or the expansion of the Kinship Care Resource Center, please utilize the Questions Survey link or leave a voicemail at (517) 353-8620. Please reserve the use of our 1 800 535-1218 line for Caregiver and Provider community needs.
Resources and documents: